
I have the beauty of the Yi, Chengdu, railway station pick-up: I'm Lee Mi Chengdu (20 sets)

2 day pass quickly chose the station. Two days, and I was trying to swallow the king's right, no cold nor hot. So I guess she wants.

11th one-day tour, until you go flying. The home, Yan Wang, and cry, it is explained to her Chiqu dinner. Yan Wang, the program I did not realize you do? Thoughts, as always, please follow the news of my house.

Typically, the Lee children to eat some fries on the first floor a small tube is also dry stall eating his knees. Today, of course, that if you can not. We went to a nearby bakery west. At noon, I call, seat reservation is also fixed up cake.

Wang Yan, I'm not surprised that some went to her, laughed with me: Today, the change of taste. Wang Yan plays a lie, I go to the bakery with the West.

Set in conducting the first seven times in my desk, not Yan Wang

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